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HomeEnglishVoice change Rules of Continuous Tense

Voice change Rules of Continuous Tense

Voice change Rules of Continuous Tense

(Past, Present, Future)

Note-Continuous Tense অনুসারে auxiliary verb/be verb এর  List

a) Present Continuous- am being, is being, are being.

b) Past Continuous – was being, were being

c) Future Continuous – shall be being, will be being

Present continuous tense এর Voice Change

Present continuous tense যুক্ত active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure: 

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing + object Object+ is/am/are+ being+ V3+ by + subject



Active: Esha is singing a song.

Passive: A song is being sung by Esha.

Active: Kritika is chopping vegetables.

Passive: Vegetables are being chopped by Kritika.

Active: They are serving poor people.

Passive: Poor people are being served by them.

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Subject + is/am/are+ not+ v1+ ing+ object Object + is/am/are+ not + being+V3+ by Subject



Active: She is not disturbing Dinesh.

Passive: Dinesh is not being disturbed by her.

Active: The dog is not eating anything.

Passive: Anything is not being eaten by the dog

Active: We are not going to the zoo.

Passive: The zoo is not being gone by us.

3.Interrogative Sentence Structure:

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Is/am/are+ subject+v1+ing + object+? Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?



Active: Is Ritika buying a table?

Passive: Is a table being bought by Ritika?

Active: Are they cleaning the  villa?

Passive: Are the villa being cleaned by them?

Active: Are you writing a letter to the Headmistress?

Passive: Is a letter being written by you to the Headmistress?

Suggested Reading

Voice Change Of Indefinite Tense

Past continuous tense এর Voice Change

Past continuous tense যুক্ত  active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure:

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Subject + was/were + v1+ing+ object. Object+ was/were +being+V3+ by + subject



Active: Nitika was painting the wall.

Passive: The wall was being painted by Nitika.

Active: Manish was repairing the car.

Passive: The car was being repaired by Manish.

Active: She was baking the cake.

Passive: The cake was being baked by her.

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Subject +was/were+ not+v1+ing + object Object + was/were+ not +being+V3+ by Subject



Active: She was not watching the documentary.

Passive: The documentary was not being watched by her.

Active: They were not cooking food then.

Passive: Food were not being cooked by them then.

Active: She was not studying MA

Passive: MA was not being studied by her.

3.Interrogative Sentence Structure:

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Was/were+ Subject + V1+ing + object+? Was/were + Object+ being+v3+ by+ subject+?



Active: Were you reciting the poem?

Passive: Was the poem being recited?

Active: Was he playing golf at Central Park?

Passive: Was golf being played by him at Central Park?

Active: Were you writing a play for school project?

Passive: Was a play being written by you for school project?

Future continuous tense এর Voice Change

Future continuous tense যুক্ত active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure: 

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Subject +Shall/will + be + V1+ing + object+? Object+ Shall/will +be +being+v3+ by+ subject



Active: I shall be reading the book.

Passive: The book will be being read by me

Active: They will be playing football.

Passive: Football will be being played by them.

Active: I shall be singing the song

Passive: The song will be being sung by me.

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Subject +Shall/will +not+ be + V1+ing + object+? Object+ Shall/will +not +be +being+v3+ by+ subject



Active: He will not be doing the work.

Passive: The work will not be being done by him.

Active: they will not be going to school.

Passive: School will not be being gone by them

Active: He will not be going to office.

Passive: Office will no be being gone by him

3.Interrogative Sentence Structure:

Active Voice Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- was/were + being)

Shall/Will+ Subject +be + V1+ing + object+? Shall/Will + Object +be+ being+v3+ by+ subject+?



Active: Will you be going to tuition at tomorrow afternoon.

Passive: Will Tuition be being gone by you at tomorrow?

Active: Will he be doing the chores then?

Passive: Will the chores be being done by him then?

Active: Will the boys be playing cricket in the field?

Passive: Will cricket be being played by the boys in the field?

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Voice change Rules of Continuous Tense





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