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HomeEnglishVoice Change Of Indefinite Tense

Voice Change Of Indefinite Tense

Voice Change Of Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite Tense:

Present indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure:

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + V1+s/es+ object Object+ is/am/are+ V3+ by + subject


Active: He reads a novel.

Passive: A novel is read by me

Active: They grow plants.

Passive: Plants are grown by them.

Active: She teaches me.

Passive: I am taught by her.

Suggested reads:

Voice Change Part 1

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + Do/does+ not + V1 + Object

Object + is/am/are+ not + V3+ by Subject



Active: He does not cook food.

Passive: Food is not cooked by him.

Active: They do not read storybooks.

Passive: Storybooks are not read by them.

Active : I do not like fish

Passive : Fish is not liked by me.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Does/Do+ Subject+ V1+Object+?

Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?

3.Interrogative Sentence Structure:

Example :

Active: Does he purchase books?

Passive: Are books purchased by him?

Active : When do you eat your lunch?

Passive : When is your lunch eaten by you?

Active : Why does she read novels?

Passive : Why novels are read by her?

Past Indefinite

Past indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure:

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + Verb past form+ object

Object+ was/were+ V3+ by + subject



Active:  Reema cleaned the floor.

Passive: The floor was cleaned by Reema.

Active: Aisha bought a bicycle.

Passive: A bicycle was bought by Aisha.

Active: Naman called my friends.

Passive: My friends were called by Naman.

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + Did + not + V1 + Object

Object + was/were+ not + V3+ by Subject


Active: She did not like cooking food.

Passive : Cooking food was not liked by her.

Active: I did not bake cake.

Passive: Cake was not baked by me.

Active: She did not clean the room.

Passive: The room was not cleaned by her.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Did+ Subject+ V1+Object+?

Was + Object+ V3+ by subject +?


3.Interrogative Sentence Structure


Active: Did you read story books?

Passive: Were story books read by you?

Active: Did they catch fish from pond?

Passive: Was fish caught by them from pond?

Active: Why did not he read books?

Passive: When was not books read by him?

Future Indefinite

Future indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice যে passive voice এ রুপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম-

1.Positive sentence Structure:

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject +Shall/will+ Verb + object

Object+ will be+ V3+ by + subject



Active: You will win the cricket match.

Passive: The cricket match will be won by you.

Active: He will go to college on Monday.

Passive: College will be gone by him on Monday.

Active: Kriya will sew the bag.

Passive: The bag will be sewed by Kriya.

2.Negative sentence Structure

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Subject + will/shall+ not + V1 + Object

Object + will+ not + be+V3+ by Subject



Active: They will not play football in the field

Passive: Football will not be played by them in the field.

Active: Rima will not do the sum.

Passive: The sum will not be solved by Rima.

Active: You shall not cook the fish.

Passive: The fish will not be cooked by you.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb – is/am/are)

Shall/will+ Subject+ V1+Object+?

Will + Object+be+ V3+ by subject +?


3.Interrogative Sentence structure


Active: Will you mop the floor?

Passive: Will the floor be mopped by you?

Active: Why will not She post the letter?

Passive: Why will the letter not be posted by you?

Active: Will she bake a chocolate cake for me?

Passive: Will a chocolate cake be baked by her for me?

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Voice Change Of Indefinite Tense



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